§  He is creative and innovative. In this case he is able to bring new goods and services to the market or improve on the existing products and services to best meet customers’ needs. Helps in reducing on the BOP problems (more exports and fewer imports).

§  Job creation. As entrepreneurs start and develop their business ventures, they require staff to help them in running the activities involved. For example staff to produce, sell and deliver their products or services to their final consumers hence creating jobs.

§  Human resource development. Entrepreneurs help in the mobilization of human resources who are not absorbed in the agriculture or large scale enterprises for productive and remunerative activities. They employ people with little or no skills and help to develop them in a pool of skilled and semi-skilled workers that contribute to economic development.

§  Entrepreneurship development and promotion. As they start and manage their businesses successfully, they act as a motivation for other people to also start and mange their own businesses. In other words they act as role models of excellence in businesses management for other people to emulate hence promoting entrepreneurship.

§  Agents of poverty alleviation and improved quality of life. Entrepreneurial businesses are an important source of income to the lowest income households i.e. they provide jobs to all categories of people and this helps to fight against poverty. Moreover in their attempt to provide cheap and better quality products, they provide relevant goods and services to a wider geographical area of the country giving people greater choice and a better quality of life.

§  Promote economic growth; Entrepreneurial ventures stimulate the creation of new wealth by investing in a small but steady and predictable manner. Their incomes are taxed to generate government revenue and their services and products contribute to GDP growth. With the demise/failure/downfall of large parastatals/companies, and the low response of big multinational investors, small businesses carry on the responsibility of economic growth and development in their respective countries.

§  Resource mobilization; With a poor saving culture in our country Rwanda, entrepreneurial businesses are important avenues for mobilizing, utilizing and investing resources. The source of funds is mainly from close friends and relatives because at the start entrepreneurs have no securities to pledge in banks to access loans.

§  Adaptability and sustainability; A unique feature of entrepreneurial ventures and businesses is the ability of entrepreneurs to adapt their products, services and methods to the market/client needs; They are less bureaucratic and able to cope with the complexity and changes to today’s liberalized  or open economies more over in an environment of scarce capital, poor technical, entrepreneurial and managerial skills; entrepreneurs provide the logical steps to business entry and survival in many cases. In industries characterized by a wide variation in demand and supply, only entrepreneurial businesses are able to survive.