When discussing family socialization, we are focusing on the family members’ interaction patterns. The pattern of socialization is seen in the way parents interact with their children.

Overprotective parents

This normally have very loving and close relationship with a child and does almost everything for his/her determines who the child should play with and fights his or her battles. As a result the child perceives himself as helpless and immature. He may be submissive, passive and dependent, he may learn to be responsible and may find it difficult to cope with problems of everyday life.

Permissive parents

These give the child few rules and rarely punish misbehavior. The child is given great respect and autonomy but often too much independence at too early an age. Parents fear hurting him by imposing their own attitudes on him. His jealousy for the young brother or sister is understood and his aggression is tolerated.

Authoritarian parents

This type gives strict rules to their children adolescent with little discussion of the reasons for the rules. It is because I say so approach. That rules authoritarian parents are openly critical of their children and frequently give those instructions on how to behave and are forced by punishing a child who does not obey.

Authoritative parents

These shows an authority figure to their children but provides good explanation for the rules and freely discusses the rules with children in allowing the children freely state their opinions about the rules and sometimes being persuaded to alter the rules by logical argument from them. Authoritative parents give children a greater sense of involvement in their own rules; emphasize reinforcement of appropriate behavior and affectionate warmth over punishment at all. In short it shows that their children are loved and respected but proved amount of authority that a child needs.