1. Alcoholism and problem drinking

Alcohol is a chemical compound known as ethyl alcohol or ethanol on alcohol and physically addicted to it and experiences health and social problems from its consumption. This results in progressively deteriorating series of changes known as classic alcoholism. Classic alcoholism is in four stages and they include:

1. Pre-alcoholic stage: during this stage, drinking begins to serve the important function of releasing tension. As drinking continues, tolerance for alcohol increases, so the amount that must be consumed to provide the same release of tension also increases.

2. Pro dromal stage: the drinking level is excessive during this stage. Blackouts and memory loses begin to occur and drinking behavior shift from sipping to gulping. Guilt, anxiety and promises to stop drinking also common during this period.

3. Crucial stage: during this stage, deterioration occurs in self esteem and general social functioning including loss of friends. Once the individual begins to drink, the drinking is uncontrollable. The individual begins to rationalize drinking as acceptable. Excessive drinking generally leads to neglect of nutrition.

4. The chronic stage: here there is constant drinking with little or no control of either starting or continuing to drink.