1. Brain storming;

This is where everybody in a group is free to generate or give in ideas from which to choose the best for implementation.

Rules of brain storming

Ø  Ideas are not judged because it discourages members from generating more ideas

Ø  Keep the group to a small number of five 5-8 people to keep them focused.

Ø  There should be an atmosphere to think freely

Ø  Keep brain storming to the lowest time possible (30 minutes)

Ø  Add on ideas given but do not dismiss them

Ø  The leader should keep order so that people do not discourage other from giving in ideas

Ø  Have a defined problem for the group to address but do not reveal it in advance.

 2. Assumption smashing;

This is when we do things based on fundamental assumptions called facts. For example a business is assumed to make profits/money however a lot of facts are not facts but just assumptions.

3. Problem reversal;

This when a problem keeps on occurring and there develops a standard solution for it; However such problems can be reversed which gives room for generating new ideas to solve the problem.

4. Forced analogy

This is concerned with forcing a similarity between two things that are seemingly different. Here the brain is trained to look for a similarity between two scenarios.

5. Trigger concept

Here we force the brain to think in a certain way by giving it a trigger point or word. That is the brain starts to think in line with the trigger point.

6. Attribute analysis

Here you look at the problem and break it into its attributes or its causes. For example if a problem is poverty, for you to creatively look for or find a solution for it, you have to first find a solution to its causes.



Asking into why things happen the way they do. The aim here is to come up with new ways of doing the same things differently from the existing ones.

 Challenging situations;

Creative people always look forward to challenge what other people see as facts or the best way of doing things. In other words to entrepreneurs or creative people there is nothing that is good enough.

Constructive discontent;

Searching for the best because every time creative people are not satisfied with what is existing i.e. Goods, services or ways of doing things;

Testing limits;

Creative people are always looking beyond the limits that everything is possible. That is what other people see as being impossible creative people look at it as an opportunity for possible exploitation.

Flexible imagination;

Creative people keep imagining and dreaming of new ways of doing things better than how they are done at present. They are always searching for change and exploit it as an opportunity to come up with new goods, services or ways of doing things;

Welcoming mistakes;

 Creative people welcome and learn from mistakes because they enhance their creativity as they think and work hard to overcome or correct such mistakes.


This is the unfailing courage of entrepreneurs. Amidst failure and mistakes, creative people still g on until they succeed. Perseverance, hard work and determination lead to success.

 Self belief;

Creative people believe in themselves without depending on others. It is this belief that drives them until their dreams come true. When you believe in yourself, you believe in whatever you are doing and this will always force to work hard to achieve your ambitions and goals.